We take a circular approach to design
In our efforts to work towards a more sustainable future, Ambu has chosen to look backwards. In fact, all the way back to the beginning of a product cycle – namely, the product design. One of three sustainability pillars defined by Ambu concerns circular design and pertains to sustainability related to the choice of materials, parts, processing, modules, products, packaging etc.
Material ESG topics and issues 2020/2021
Our initial analysis of materiality, based on external sources, resulted in a long list of more than 300 individual issues which were grouped into 49 overall issues and assessed in two ways. Firstly, on the basis of importance to Ambu, and secondly, on the importance to external stakeholders.
The issues were then grouped into 23 material topics that were entered into a matrix which depicts the distribution of the topics, in terms of importance for Ambu and for our stakeholders. Each topic has been classified according to one of six categories for communication in the annual Ambu sustainability report.
The matrix (to the left) provides an overview of Ambu’s most material ESG topics which will serve as our baseline for future materiality assessments as well as guidance for our work with sustainability and ESG in the coming years.
R&D focus areas:
2021 Red Dot Design Awards Winner
Ambu® aScope™ 4 Cysto and Ambu® aScope™ Duodeno have been awarded with the Red Dot Design Award. And in addition, the aScope Duodeno has been awarded a Red Dot Innovative Product Award. Red Dot Design Awards is arguably the most renowned design competition worldwide.
Read about our latest sustainability efforts
Download our annual report and find out more about our sustainability strategy and initiatives in the sustainability section.